Friday, November 21, 2008

Comment On Classmate's Blog

I read an editorial “Texas wants Clean Energy and Clean Oceans. What about Clean Money, Clean Elections?” which was written by Wes in his blog “TX Thinker.” I completely agree with him that Texas should put some limits on the campaign contributors in order to maintain the election clean. It is obvious that Texas government is in hands of the well-funded special interest groups and businessmen. Private interests play a big role in the policy process by controlling legislators (through lobbying and campaign contributions) and executive agencies (through influence on gubernatorial appointments and through the revolving door). As a result, Texas government lost it equal and fair public representation function. I also agree with him that we should introduce the Public funded campaign systems and regulate a maximum on each donation. In addition, the government may operate a public media to inform Texas residents about the important information such as who are the office candidates, what kinds of plans they have, and what they support or oppose. Hence, those new nominees could be familiar with constituents as same as the incumbents, so that everyone will have an equal chance to get election. Besides, the office runners could focus on their jobs without paying attention on campaign funding as well. Moreover, the greatest advantage is that the government will not be bias and controlled by some special groups, and everyone no matter their status will have a voice in politics.

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